GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF NAGALIM Ministry of Information and Publicity PRESS RELEASE 25th Jan 2008 War or Peace the professionalism of the Naga Army is maintained at the highest level to keep pace with the demanding situation. In keeping with this spirit Naga Army recruiting is a continuing process throughout the year. The “Passing Out Ceremony” of the Read more

‘Insisting on SOP may lead to CF breakdown

‘Insisting on SOP may lead to CF breakdown’ Dimapur | March 6 : The NSCN (IM) has sounded a caution that insistence on the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) by security forces, State police and civil society, may lead to possible breakdown of the ceasefire between the Government of India and the organization, which is into its twelfth year. Talking to Read more

‘Imposing one’s will, will aggravate situation’

‘Imposing one’s will, will aggravate situation’ Morung Express Dimapur, July 31 (MExN): Referring to the “ban” imposed by the outfit NSCN (IM) on the Sumi Hoho and the Western Sumi Hoho, the Naga Hoho today cautioned, that “banning of organizations or imposition of one’s will upon others will further aggravate the human relationship”. Nevertheless, the Naga Hoho has urged for Read more

‘Govt. committed to Naga solution’

‘Govt. committed to Naga solution’ Kohima | March 10 : Governor K. Sankaranarayanan today asserted that the state government remains firm in its commitment to facilitate a negotiated settlement of the Naga political problem. “My government will continue to act as an active facilitator in the ongoing peace process between the Government of India and Naga “political” groups, so that Read more

‘GoI engage delay tactics’

‘GoI engage delay tactics’ DIMAPUR, JUNE 15 (MExN): A couple of days after walking out of the Cease Fire Monitoring Group meeting (CFMG), the NSCN (IM) today made their stand loud and clear by declaring that it would not accept ML Kumawat as chairman of the group. “We don’t have a chairman now” declared Phungthing Shimrang, convenor of the Ceasefire Read more

Nagas could understand the danger of being suppressed. To the Nagas their freedom is above everything else.

Nagas could understand the danger of being suppressed. To the Nagas their freedom is above everything else. Interviewee : Th. Muivah    Interviewer : Kikhrie Yhome, Himal    Date published : 9/20/2008 Interview date : 8/11/2008 The Naga movement has come a long way. The oldest armed struggle in the Subcontinent has not only sustained itself over the course of some six decades, but Read more

Nagalim Position Paper

Nagalim Position Paper Author’s name : GPRN    Published by : Naga Support Group-United Kingdom Date published : 12/10/2007 Introduction For over half a century, the Naga people have been seeking justice against human rights abuses perpetrated by their giant neighbours India and Burma who forcibly occupied their land. As an implementation of self-determination in an internationally accepted manner is perhaps the Read more